Bultaco Metralla – build page 1

I bought a whole bunch of Bultaco parts and a Ducati Cadet a few years ago in an estate sale on the Central Coast north of Sydney. I managed to sell most of the parts to other Bultaco tragics, but there was one left that I wanted to restore myself – a Bultaco Metralla Mk 2 that someone had started to turn into a cafe racer / special and never finished. The numbers didn’t match, it had all sorts of different parts on it and it was a complete wreck really – I didn’t feel that I was bastardising a nice original Metralla, so I though I would continue the previous owner’s quest.

This is what I started with. There were rudimentary rearsets, a modified exhaust, forks from a Sherpa T or Alpina and a front brake from a Suzuki T500.

The forks were too long and had to be shortened by my mate Mick Weller, as per this link.

The front brake had dozens of holes drilled to save weight.

It also came with a very beat up Metralla tank that had half an inch of rust inside, 5 dents and 8 layers of paint. The tailpiece is from Mick at Classic Fibreglass at Moto Tumbi.